Partners and Clients
We have had the privilege of working with leading institutions and organisations relating to sustainable development, IWRM, WASH, food security and gender. Relationships include:
Advisory Group of the National Water Resources Committee, Myanmar;
Australian Water Partnership (AWP);
Central Asia and Afghanistan Women and Water Association (CAAWWA);
Central Asian Journal of Water Research (CAJWR);
Colectivo de Mujeres Latino-americanas por el Agua (CMLA);
Gender Concerns International (GCI);
Global Water Partnership (GWP);
Halimeda, the Hague, the Netherlands;
IHE Delft Institute for Water Education;
Itaipu Binacional – Participatory Water Management Network;
Kazakh-German University (DKU), Almaty, Kazakhstan;
Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, Tajikistan;
Ministry of Transport and Communication (MOTC), Myanmar;
National Water Agency (ANA), Brazil;
Peace Brigades International;
Royal Academy of Science International Trust (RASIT);
Trade + Impact Association, Canada;
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA);
United Nations Water for Life Decade Programme (UNW-DPAC);
University of Amsterdam (UvA);
Water Mothers, Myanmar;
Water Research and Training Centre, Myanmar;
Women for Water Partnership (WfWP);
World Youth Parliament on Water (WYPW);
Young Water Solutions Fellowship Programme.